You might say that this post is my Ebenezer for I would like to declare that "hitherto has the Lord helped me" (I Samuel 7:12). Six years ago I sat on the steps pictured to the right. It was a cold and frosty morning and I sat, coffee cup in hand, contemplating my life-the one I'd lived, was living and would live. Maybe. I had been dealt the stunning "2 by 4" blow of a stage 3 cancer diagnosis the day before and had no idea what plans the Lord had already laid out for me. But I did know that He knows the end from the beginning.
That morning, I looked across the street at the maple trees flaming bright in the clear morning sunshine with their autumn foliage of yellow, orange and red. I wish I had taken a picture of them. Not that I need anything to remember those moments. They are etched in my brain forever.
You may ask, what were you thinking during those moments? Besides noticing that I didn't really feel cold even though the temps were in the 20's (read about that
here), I remember thinking, "This could be the Fall of my life...close to the end. But look at those trees...so beautiful, so lovely, even though they're dying. Yes, Fall is beautiful and the Fall of my life can be beautiful, too!" A few moments later as I entered the house and curled up on the couch to further contemplate these thoughts, I was comforted even more as I read some special verses in Psalm 119.
I praise the Lord for the gift of life. To God be the glory, great things He has done!
I trust that His "goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life" (Ps 23:6)
until He is finished with what He wants me to do on earth.
"Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee." (Psalm 67:5)
"Only fear the Lord and serve Him in truth with all your heart,
for consider how great things He hath done for you."
(I Samuel 12:24)
"He spoke the word that healed" me and pulled me "back from the brink of death".
That was a very harsh reality call but God has settled things in your heart and healed your body since. I'm guessing you enjoy the richness of life and God's love even more these days.