
180 Movie

If I could choose another ministry besides the one I'm in, it would be to fight for the lives of those unborn babies that some mothers don't want. So I am going to do my small part and share this powerful little 33-minute movie with the prayer that it will change someone's heart and mind.
Please take time to watch it.

"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live."
(Deuteronomy 30:19)


Favorite Foto From A Trip

I took over 400 pictures this week on a trip and this one is my favorite. The not-in-focus look seems to make it even better. My unprofessional opinion.

This is a Bolivian Jaminawa Indian lady and her 5-month-old baby girl. Words can't describe how I feel when I look at this...

"How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed?
And how shall they believe in Him in whom they have not heard?
And how shall they hear without a preacher?"
                                                 (Romans 10:14)                                                           


God's Thoughts and Ways

Have you ever needed these verses? I sure have! They have been my comfort on different occasions.


Show-Off Time!

Some of you will remember my post about the "thirty orchids-in-waiting". Well, it's time to show you the result...

There were really 31 buds but 2 were deformed (or eaten by bugs) so that left 29. They began to open up just a very few days after I announced them so I have been enjoying them for almost a month! I felt like I was
receiving a lovely gift every time one of them opened.

I must say that I was, um, humbled maybe? when I passed another house this week and saw that they had this same type of orchid on their porch and there must have been at least 100 on their plant! I almost stopped to ask if I could take a picture of it and...had they counted theirs? But I didn't.

Without further explanation, I will just post several photos. Yes, yes, I took pictures from every angle and distance and with various amounts of light. Couldn't get enough of these beauties and I do believe our computer is about to explode. What fun, huh?
                         (pssst! Don't forget to click on each photo to see their maximum beauty!)

"He hath made His wonderful works to be remembered:
the Lord is gracious and full of compassion."
((Psalm 111:4)


In The Corner Of The Garden

In the corner of the garden
  by the old waterhose
I see lovely callalilies,
  orchids, iris and a rose.

    No one else pays much attention
      to these simple little flowers,
    But I come here daily and I
      feel that I could stay for hours.

    Oh, it's me in this corner
      with my flowers and my Lord,
    It is here I feel His presence
      and I think upon His Word.
                        -©R.Nunley 2011

"Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen,
 I will be exalted in the earth." -(Psalm 46:10)


The Top Left Side Of My Right Fourth Finger

I know, that's a strange title. But I've been very impressed these days about the importance of what we sometimes think are unimportant, or even useless, parts of our body. Let me tell you, the top left side of the right fourth finger is extremely important! Who would've thought that one little spot would be NEEDED for so many different things?! Like holding a pen, wringing out a rag or, yes, holding a cup...and that's why I burned that little spot.

I had heated up some milk in a new cup in the microwave. It is obviously made of some different material  because, unlike my other cups, this one got hot before the milk did! So when I picked up the cup...well, you guessed the rest of the story. I got a royal burn...

I won't go into the details of the healing process but my husband was kind enough to offer to knead the pizza dough for me last Saturday. You know...I might let him do that more often, he did a fine job. Tried to twirl it, too, but I think that might take some more practice. 

Not only have I been reminded to be more             
appreciative of certain people, but my right
fourth finger has also suddenly become a very
comely and honorable member of my body.
Thank You, Lord, for this blessing!

This experience has all been a wonderful reminder to me of these verses:

"Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary:
And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness."
(I Corinthians 12: 22,23)


Remembering 9/11

(photo: internet)
On that infamous morning of September 11, 2001 we were in Brazil. I was ironing clothes in our living-room and my husband was in a store buying this very computer that I am using as I write this. Then a friend nearby phoned to inform me of what had happened in NYC. We were so far away, geographically, from what was happening but our hearts and minds were right next to them-our people in our country. Over the next several days and weeks we very often heard the phrase "we will never forget" or "we will remember".

Indeed, we have much to remember and never forget...but not only regarding 9/11. Did you know that the Bible has the word "remember" (or a form of it) at least 200 times? Can it be that remembering is an important thing to do? Indeed! I would personally like to do a little Bible study regarding that word, for I would like to be reminded of those things that God wants me to remember. In my years of increasing forgetfulness, may it never be said that I forgot what He has done for me!

"I will remember the works of the LORD: surely I will remember thy wonders of old."  (Psalm 77:11)
But God remembers, too. How wonderful this is! Many verses speak of the things that He remembers...or not, such as our sins that have been forgiven. The day will come, perhaps it has already, when many people will forget 9/11.  Not so with our God. He will always remember what needs to be remembered!

"When He maketh inquisition for blood, He remembereth them; He forgetteth not the cry of the humble."  (Psalm 9:11,12)