

With a grandson in 2008, during
the first months of chemo.
By the grace, mercy and power of God, I am a five-year suvivor. This month completes five years that I was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and I am happy to report to you that I am still clean 'n clear. Thank you SO much to the many of you who prayed for me during those months and to those of you who are still praying for me. I consider it no small thing to have been prayed for by so many, it truly is a gift from Him. He chose to use those prayers, together with His unlimited power, to cure me. And I don't doubt one bit but that He is also using my diet!

I've wondered "what can I do to truly celebrate this victory and blessing?" and I've decided that the best way is just to declare to the world (after all, this blog has entered 43 countries in just the past 5 months) that God has done this marvelous thing for me!

My oncologist had told me that I had probably a 50% chance of seeing the cancer return within 5 years and, in researching recently, I saw where that number can be even higher. I am so very thankful that God does not have to act according to statistics!

My heart is full, I am amazed and grateful for this extra-special blessing.

"This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes." (Psalm 118:23)


  1. That is wonderful news Rena. Have you shared on your blog about your diet?

  2. Party-time!!! Sorry I missed this entry. I am praying for you right now and praising the LORD and His Mercy in giving you cancer free days and more time on Terran!
