Pink roses are equal to perfect gifts and I would like to let you in on what mine are. You may have some of the same ones or yours may be totally different. God blesses each of us in different ways but at least one of these perfect gifts is the same for everyone who receives it:

SALVATION through Jesus Christ. This gift became personally mine on August 19 many years ago when I was 13. I placed my faith in Christ to save me and I became His child. Peace, joy, forgiveness of sins, the certainty of a home in heaven, the companionship, help, friendship of my Lord...all of these things and more combine to make this the most perfect of all gifts!
"I know in Whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day..." (IITimothy 1:12)
cross photo: fotosearch.com)
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